Rat and Mice Baiting Tips from Avon Pest Control

Moouse trap

We all know how dangerous vermin are to homes and businesses and also the health of all living in these homes

No truer is this than for properties across Warwickshire and Yorkshire, which always strive to remain rat and mice free.

However, while pesticides and traps are essential in combating vermin infestation, there are rat and mice baiting tips that are equally as effective.

Avon Pest Control will share our most important rat and mice baiting tips with you here.

We, Avon Pest Control, your seasoned, reputable and premier pest control agency,  has the tools and expertise to rid your home of rats and mice across the board.

In fact, our highly-dedicated and skilled specialists have a proven track record of tackling vermin problems in the Warwickshire area.

rat control

Rat and Mice Bait Tips, Products and Strategies

Like the name suggests it, rat and mice bait are designed to lure and eliminating unsuspecting rodents.

In the past, large mouse traps with cheese were the only ways to attract and eradicate vermin onsite.

However, many rodents have caught on to this method - and even perfected ways to bypass or remove bait form traps without being killed.
mouse trap with thank you note from mice

With this in mind, new technologies have resulted in more effective rat and mice bait products, including the following:

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For more information, simply contact or visit our website by clicking the logo above.

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